Biochemistry and Molecular Biology sits at the interface of the physical sciences (chemistry and physics), the biological sciences (medical and health sciences, evolutionary biology, microbiology, and physiology) and the computational sciences (computer science, mathematics, and statistics). Our department members make breakthrough discoveries in chromatin regulation, gene expression, cellular identity and development, cancer biology, imaging technologies, genome replication and stability, and Infectious and neurological diseases.

Department faculty members have been instrumental in developing and leading many interdisciplinary programs at CSU including the Cell and Molecular Biology graduate program, the Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Neuroscience program (graduate admission and BS degree), and the Chemical Biology graduate program.

Other university research facilities owe their origins to the Department of Biochemistry, including two Foundational Core Facilities: the Proteomics and Metabolomics Core housed in the Microbiology Building, which grew out of the Macromolecular Resource Facility started in MRB in 1990, and the Microscope Imaging Network, which developed from the Fluorescence Microscopy and Image Analysis Center, also started in 1990. Planet Protein, a unique protein purification core, is housed within the Department.

Breif History of our beginnings:


Founded in 1966, with faculty from Chemistry and from the Chemistry and Endocrine Sections of the CSU Agricultural Experiment Station (what used to be a major funding agency for CSU research in many areas).   The newly formed department offered both the MS and Ph.D. degrees, but all advisors needed to apply and be accepted as members of the graduate faculty.


The undergraduate (B.S.) major was started in 1984 and currently has over 300 students.


Completion of MRB and planning of move.


Fall 2018 the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology received a prestigious accreditation by the nationally recognized American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB).


Fall 2019 the launching of two new Professional Science Master’s programs Biological Data Analytics and Microscope Imaging Technology.

Department News

Neuroscience research leverages stem cells to understand how neurons connect, communicate in the brain

Newly published research from Colorado State University answers fundamental questions about cellular connectivity in the brain that could be useful in the development of treatments for neurological diseases like autism, epilepsy or schizophrenia.

Q & A: Citing your own work

Colorado State University researcher, Sean Cascarina, delves into the significant implications of self-referencing while presenting insights gleaned from his study on the subject.

How a CSU scientist’s research into how viruses mutate could have big implications during the next pandemic

CSU Professor Olve Peersen’s team focuses on bettering understanding the mechanisms behind how RNA viruses replicate and mutate, information that could lead to better treatments and vaccines for both new and emerging pathogens. 

Interdisciplinary research at Colorado State showcases key cell activity in real time

Researchers at Colorado State University have developed a new imagining technique that shows key cellular interactions over time and space in a way that was not previously possible.