Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Molecular Biosciences
May 27,2025 – July 31,2025
The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Colorado State University, with financial support from the National Science Foundation, offers undergraduate students opportunities for independent research projects in molecular biosciences including:
• Gene expression analyses
• Chromatin structure/function
• Protein characterization and manipulation
• Cell molecular architecture
• Tumor virus molecular biology
• Molecular mechanisms of ion channels and neurotransmitter release
• Protein folding, structure and function
• Molecular neurobiology
• Developmental mechanisms
• Proteomics
• Detection of food-borne pathogens
• Plant molecular biology and metabolism
• Cardiovascular physiology and development
• DNA repair and telomeres in cancer and aging
• Prions in neurodegenerative diseases
Program Description
The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, with financial support from the National Science Foundation, offers qualified undergraduates from throughout the country the opportunity to conduct research projects in biochemistry and molecular biology for ten weeks each summer.
This program allows students to participate in active research in a wide range of areas, including protein structure and function, transcriptional mechanisms, molecular neurobiology, regulation of gene expression in a chromatin context, cancer biology, plant biology, embryonic development, diabetes, cytoskeleton dynamics, and virology.
Students will be involved in exciting and interesting projects at the very edge of our current knowledge in these areas. They will learn how to formulate and test hypotheses, how to problem-solve and troubleshoot, and how to use state-of-the-art techniques and instrumentation including analytical ultracentrifugation and X-ray crystallography. A significant number of participants in this program have published the results of their projects in scientific journals.
Each student is assigned to a specific faculty member’s research laboratory, where the student works closely with the faculty mentor, post-doctoral associates, and graduate students.
Click here for the list of potential mentors and projects available summer 2025. The student participates fully in the life of the mentor’s lab. In addition, there are informal meetings of all program participants to exchange information on the research being done and to discuss areas of biochemistry/molecular biology that are of particular interest and excitement. There are also weekly meetings at which various scientists describe the latest advances in their own research or career opportunities in biomedical or biotechnology fields. Informal evening or weekend social, recreational, and cultural events with program participants and faculty provide for relaxation. The summer experience is capped by a mini-symposium at which program participants present a poster/report on their project and receive certificates of completion for the program.